Influence and be Influenced

Edaware Patricia
2 min readNov 14, 2019
Little things that we do pics


Influence and be Influenced…

What are you really up to?

While we wait for life, life passes.— Seneca

A lot of times, we find ourselves waiting for the right moment to act…Waiting for things to fall in place to make that golden move… You might just have to wait forever. Although for some people, it works out, for others it doesn’t.

Why wait for the perfect moment when you can take that little step today. If you have a dream… work towards it. If you don’t… make plans for having one.

Have you ever imagined a world where we constantly seek improving upon ourselves and helping others grow? You might not have the financial capability to assist that friend of yours. But, those little words of encouragement that you give consistently could go a long way in changing the person's life. What about, guiding a person in a particular field, if you are an expert in that area.

We just may need to make that conscious effort to impact positively in the life of someone today, and also be opened to learn from others.

Are you the kind of person people are scared to talk to? If YES… then, you might need to change that first and watch how things play out…

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.- John Donne

Do your bit today… help that friend, neighbor, brother, and sister do theirs also.

I’ve got friends, family, and colleagues and I choose to influence those that surround me positively and be influenced positively. What’s your own decision?

